Title: Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination
Acronym: SDK4ED
The main goal of the project is to minimize cost, time and complexity of low-energy software development processes, by providing tools for automatic optimization of both software quality and non-functional requirements such as energy efficiency, dependability and performance, with the capacity to tackle the interplay between design quality and run-time constraints.
Expected results:
- Defining a set of methods and tools for monitoring processes for early identification of design flaws, energy consumption indicators, and security vulnerabilities, with respect to the targeted hardware platform and non-functional requirements
- Estimation of costs and limitations associated with technical debt (TD) liabilities in the entire software stack
- Providing toolkits for assessing project management decisions with respect to the choices of repaying TD, under the constraints imposed on energy consumption and security
- Implementation of solutions in three industry-driven distinct but complementary industries: aviation, health and automotive
- Illustrating the importance and benefits introduced by proper technical debt (TD) management in the development of applications that require the optimization of energy consumption
Funding programme: HORIZON 2020
Project duration: 36 months
- Total budget: 4.32M€
- Holisun budget: 221k€