Title: Competence Center for Research-Development-Innovation of Climate Neutral and Net Zero solutions for Intelligent Cities
Acronym: NetZeRoCities
The project NetZeRoCities aims to develop a Competence Center for Research-Development-Innovation of Climate Neutral and Net Zero solutions for Intelligent Cities (cf. the concept of Smart Cities). According to these wishes of the European Commission, Cities in Europe should reach a target of Net Zero (emissions) by 2030, respectively Climate Neutral (effects on the climate) by 2045. But this implies the introduction of solutions at the various levels of a city. smart, from strategies, policies and governance to new technologies to support mobility or green transport, waste and water management, smart energy management, and many others. The center aims to create a pole of excellence that will capitalize on the competent CDI members, the experience of other cities in Europe, at the level of Romanian municipalities in order to achieve the objectives of Climate Neutrality and Zero Net, to actively use the funds available through the European Mission 100 of cities.
Applications must prove exceptional competence, evidenced by previous projects, publications and patents, in solutions for Zero Net, in areas such as Smart Mobility, Smart Transport, Smart Buidlings, Smart Energy, Smart Waste, Smart Water supply, and others.